‘PRAKRUTHI ASHRAMAM’ The Complete Solution for all Diseases.
In today's fast growing technological and scientific world, the developments in healthcare sector is not an exception. It has made some of the most amazing
advances in the recent times. But the irony is that health consciousness itself has been forgotten. People are ready to spend lots of money for all kinds of treatment
but rarely few are willing to spend little time to prevent illness. The upcoming concept among all is that while suffering from disease, the costliest artificial treatments
will provide cure. In fact, all they need to do is to trust nature and their own body to cure by itself. A mere intake of medicines or following a short-term disease
management programme cannot uproot ailments from the human system. What you need is the lifestyle knowledge taught by us, so that your body can stay
healthy over the long term. Naturopathy draws lessons from nature and teaches you to mould your own habits and daily routines along healthy lines.