"Disease is a lifeless thing, You are with life, You are embracing the disease, But the disease cannot embrace you, Become an atmavan leave the disease"


Treatment - Modalities

1. Chest pack (CP)

It stimulates lungs, good for asthma and bronchitis.

2. Gastro hepatic (gh pk)

1)It stimulates abdominal organs.
2)It increases the pancreas activity to release the insulin.
3)Good for gastric secretions.
4)Improves the liver metabolism.

3. Hot foot / hand bath

Good for insomnia.
Relieves head ache stimulates the uterus muscles,
regulates the menstrual cycles and relieves burning of the foot.

4. Ice massage

Regulates the blood pressure relaxes mental tension.

5. Mud packs

1)If applied to eye it increases the circulation of eyes.
2)It gives cooling effect.
3)If given to abdomen it regulates the function of abdominal organs thereby improves digestion.

6. Body massage

Improves circulation and relieves pains.

7. Powder massage

Reduces the fat, improves circulation and relieves pains.

8. Spinal spray

1) Stimulates the spinal nerves.
2) Good for backaches,nervous disorder,hemeplegia.
3) It reduces the blood pressure.
4) Relaxes the spinal nerves and good for sleeplessness.

9. Circular jet spray

It is a good stress relief treatment and also reduces weight.

10. Sauna bath

Treating majority of Chronic disorders like rheumatism, Obesity, Sciatica and all painful afflictions involving large nerve trunks

11. Full Body Immersion bath

1) It balances the body temperature
2) Prescribed in cases of obesity and in dyspepsia to improve the appetite
3) Improves skin by increasing blood circulation.

12. Salt massage

It hydrates your skin.
It leaves your skin feeling soft and radiant.
Massage with salt is stimulating and it relieves joint pains.
It is good for insomnia.

13. Enema (neem)

1) Cleanses the rectum of the accumulated fecal matter
2) Relieves constipation
3) In case of worms it is best to take neem water enema

14. Facial steam (tulsi)

It is good treatment for running nose, synositis, and headache and for elimination of toxins through nasal passage.

15. Hip bath (hot/cold)

1) To relieve constipation, indigestion and obesity
2) The eliminative organs to function properly.
3) In sub involution of the uterus, inflammation of the pelvic organs, piles dilation of the stomach, colon etc
4) Chronic uterine infection, chronic congestion of the prostate, impotency and sterility.

16. Kidney pack (kp)

It regulates the kidney function. Controls frequency of urination

17. Mud bath

1) It gives cooling affect.
2) It relieves all forms of indigestion
3) It relieves intestinal heat and congestive headache

18. Mustard pack

1)Given only to reduce pains.
2)It relieves pain by improving blood circulation.
3) Good for rheumatoid arthritis.

19. Spinal bath

1)Reduces blood pressure.
2)Good for back aches.
3)Improves spinal nerves circulation.
4)Relieves tension and headaches and sleeplessness.

20. Wet sheet pack

1) This pack reduces the body temperature.
2) Increases elimination of toxins through sweating.
3) If given incase of obesity reduces toxicity,body aches and fever also.

21. Steam Bath

1) Elimination of morbid matter from the surface of the skin.
2) Treating cases of arthritis
3) Curing all forms of chronic diseases
4) Relieving neuralgic ailments

22. Under Water Massage

1) Stimulates activity of the skin 2) Absorbs excess heat in the muscles and the muscles are toned up thereby strengthening the muscles.
3) Extremely helpful in cases of paralysis, Poliomyelitis, Paraplegia and obesity.